Colour of the month Orange - April 2018

Orange is a colour of liberation, from the pains of hurtful love and inner insecurities. To ‘channel orange’ is to truly be free, to be you.
— Frank Ocean

Colour of the month for April: Orange!

The feeling of spring is in the air in London, the snow has melted away, the clocks have finally gone forward and the days are getting longer... the first signs of nature re-emerging from the winter darkness are starting to appear.  The colour of the month just had to be orange; it has an element of surprise, brightness, positivity, joy and happiness.

Like so many of the colours I select for my colour of the month, orange has many varied shades to choose from, and adding a pop of the vibrant colour here and there creates an uplifting spirit to the space. My personal style - and one that is speedily becoming a look that many homes are embracing - is an eclectic mix of new and old, steering away from those dark shades that have been dominating the marketplace. If you don't want to revamp your whole home, perhaps take a fresh approach by leaving the existing darker shades and just add splashes of orange here and there - or maybe you’re ready for a big spring clean and a whole new look?

Try incorporating old art nouveau wallpapers in linear repeats or freestyle nature inspired foliage patterns in various shades of orange - anything from deep blood orange to softer tangerine shades. This works excellently in a dining room, or on the walls to the entrance of your home, creating an inviting environment with a luxurious warm glow. 

Rich, deep, vibrant, orange tiles can be used on bathroom or kitchen walls, adding light and shine to these much-used areas.

Opulent ornate cushion covers and throws, or even simple striped fabrics will give a touch of joy and brightness to a couch. Frame your windows with beautiful transparent ethereal voile or extra long chiffon curtains which sweep and fold onto the ground. For a warm spicy hint of orange throughout the home, use vintage and modern glassware, vases and crockery and paintings in various tones.

Revitalize your home’s energy and positivity with orange!