Colour of the month Lilac - August

It is the season now to go about the country high and low, among the Lilacs hand in hand, and two by two in fairyland
— Robert Louis Stevenson, Underwoods, It is the Season Now to Go
Lilac.  The Celts regarded the flowers as "magical" due to their intoxicating scent and the Russians are known to hold a sprig of lilac over a newborn as they believe this would bring wisdom.  Whatever one's belief, there is no denying the spirituality and wellbeing lilac can bring into your environment and why it is a key colour for the coming seasons.

Lilac has depth and can be used in both feminine and masculine contexts in home decor and apparel.  It gently sits between red and blue in the colour spectrum and will bring an air of freshness and optimism around you.