
My soul is full of longing for the secret of the sea, and the heart of the great ocean sends a thrilling pulse through me
— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I have always loved the colour blue.... blue skies in London on a sunny day, sitting by the sea in Cyprus and being swept away by the sound and smell of the ocean.  I can literally say I'm a “blue-aholic”!  From navy to deep indigo, sky blue and all the shades in between can have such a soothing, energising, calming, revitalising feeling on you.

My wardrobe - like so many of us – contains an array of blue items and likewise, so does my home. Recreate the sea's magic in your surrounding with gradations of blues and touches of metallic. Include everyday objects from blue ceramic plates, tiles and glassware to marbling techniques found on tabletops.  A variety of warm blue hues on lampshades and carpets will make your environment a harmonious, calm and relaxing place you won’t want to be away from for too long.